Color Palette

The Color Palette allows you to make and set custom colors. Some of the controls are as follows.

Randomize (randomizes a palette of colors)
New Palette (clears all blocks to white the default)
SaveAs (allows you to save your palette to disk for later retrieval)
Set Default Palette (choosing this option allows the color palette to reload a palette you choose to be opened up every time you call the color palette form)
Drag on (allows the color blocks to be dragged and dropped from one block to another)
Border on (turns on a border around the blocks for better viewing optional)

The right click popup menu allows you to set colors, here it shows setting the label end backcolor to the color enclosed in the blue block.

Setting the label end text color to the color enclosed in the blue block.

Setting the current drawing color.(enclosed in the blue block)

Setting a row of current drawing colors.

Dragging and dropping a custom made color.